Likes to be seen as a writer and a lover of nonsense, surreilism and whimsy; accidentally a leader (of sorts).
Fidelissimus Semper
Managing Director of Shadowcat Systems a software consultancy in the North West of England.
A community contributor who has organised the London Perl Workshop on 10 occasions along with the FLOSSUK Spring conference, Barcamps, Dynamic Languages Conference and Quality Assurance Hackathon.
A member of the Perl Foundation and a Director of both FLOSSUK and the Enlightened Perl Organsiation.
Contributes to his local Lancaster community via Digital Lancaster, Independent Lancaster and the Ethical Small Traders Association.
A lover of communities and the social mix that is humanity. Blessed with melancholy, feels he is both a champion and a sceptic of the future.
Studies the cliche that is humanity as an amateur with a powerful microscope and a zoological guide to the mating habits of the hermaphroditic annelid.
Identifies as a male, but otherwise refusing to be easily defined. He is an advocate of; change, equality, aspiration, opportunity and education.
Public Bio
First Loss
We stretch beyond midnight
Lost in the ignorance of desire
Our steam locomotive breath
Tracks escalating rhythm.
Tympanic oceans surge
On cardiovascular estuaries
Until we reach the breach
And shudder in relief.
Together, we lie alone
As time decays the passions
Lost to our reflection
Trace conflicting memories.
Swift feelings bring swift regrets
Dressed in shadows of denial.